Our Profile

Sabko mile roti,kapda aur makan apna”
We at “jeevan Sawaro” welfare society works for roti-kapda-makan for each and every individual of india.We help every person of india to achieve his basic goals of life &therefore we help government of india to make a developed country by 2030.
This society is being run under the guidence of Mr. Avdhesh Mishra(president).He works 24*7 to ensure our society works in organised manner and we make our dreams comes true to make our india no.1 country in the world by 2030.Mr.Avdhesh Mishra has over 20 yrs of experience in sales and marketing in financial sectors.He is a true indian and social activist also who always works for common people to achieve his goals.
Under the guidence of Sh.Avdhesh Mishra,definitely our society is going to create an example of developed india in the front of world.

Dr.Neetu Sharma (National Women President)
Mrs. Neetu Sharma has experience of over 20 years in social services dealing in women empowerment in various sectors. She has expertise in team buidling, networking and providing immediate solutios to each and every problems.
Under her true leadership definitely Jeevan Sawaro will achieve new heights.She is responsible for all activities related to women empowerment at national level in co-ordination with regional team.


SUBHASH SHARMA- VICE PRESIDENT MR. SUBHASH SHARMA is a vice president of Delhi state for Jeevan Sawaro Welfare Society Regd (NGO). He is MBA in sales and marketing. Mr. Sharma has experience of overs 30 years in sales and marketing. He has excellent experience of selling real estates (owner Rajsthan Real Estate, Dwarka) and life insurance. He is also a Gold Medalist in National Yoga. He is responsible for all activities related to Jeevan Sawaro for Delhi State.

Mr.Raj Mishra

Mr.Krishan Kumar Bansal
(Financial advisor)

Mr. Shyamveer
(Legal Advisor)

Mrs. Anita Mishra

Mr.Guarav Bhardwaj
(Media Advisor)

Dr.Kanika Aggarwal
(Project Incharge)

Mr.Prakash Kumar